Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Interesting, I ran into Theo's science teacher today at the Homeschool co-op. I asked her how Theo was doing. She said " fine, after we got past the spit balls in my hair last week. " Steam began to pour out of my ears. It was all I could do NOT to yank him out of the class he was in at the moment and give him an earful. I waited until his class was done, and then got in his face.
Me : Tell me about the spitballs.
Theo : WHAT ? I didn't do anything !
Me : Tell me about the spitballs. You know ... last week in Science class.
Theo : Oh. Sorry, Mom.
Me : That is totally out of line, Theo. I want you to apologize to Miss Shelly.
Theo : I will, Mom.
Me : Theo, if I do not hear back from Miss Shelly the exact words that "Theo Barr was the most well behaved student in the class today", I will be accompanying you in the class next week and holding your hand during it. Do you understand ?
Theo : Yes, Mom.

Of all things. The number of times a person should have to be told to refrain from putting saliva laden paper in another person's hair needs to be ZERO. Not 2 or 3. Dear God, let him grow up to be a good man.

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