Sunday, April 06, 2008

Planning as a Life Strategy

Setting up for the week on Sunday night is a challenge for me. I would prefer to squeeze every bit of weekend rest that I can out of Sunday night, but the truth is if I don't give a bit of thought space on Sunday to the coming week, Monday morning runs me over.

Other people, The Born Organized, never even consider NOT thinking about Monday on Sunday. I guess I'd rather live in La La land for another hour or so in hopes of ... in hopes of ...what ? Another hour or so of weekend.

I guess I am one of those people for whom Time is a bit amorphous. I have trouble predicting how long tasks take. I have trouble not planning too much in one day.
I'm learning how to use Planning as My Life Strategy, but it doesn't come naturally.
Very awkward still.


Wolfenberger said...

Ah hah. You are blogging again. I love the fact that your latest blog is about not being able to manage time and how time gets away from you and as I scrolled down to see what else you've blogged I noticed a two year gap between blog # 3 and #4.

julie s. said...

in my fantasy world, i am a organized, my house is really clean and i spend all of my time playing with my kids. but...reality hits and i look around and it's time for dinner and my house is really dirty and my kids are running rampant doing WHO KNOWS WHAT! well, not really...but close.

anyway, the point is we TRY! do your best, right?:)