Sunday, April 06, 2008

Planning as a Life Strategy

Setting up for the week on Sunday night is a challenge for me. I would prefer to squeeze every bit of weekend rest that I can out of Sunday night, but the truth is if I don't give a bit of thought space on Sunday to the coming week, Monday morning runs me over.

Other people, The Born Organized, never even consider NOT thinking about Monday on Sunday. I guess I'd rather live in La La land for another hour or so in hopes of ... in hopes of ...what ? Another hour or so of weekend.

I guess I am one of those people for whom Time is a bit amorphous. I have trouble predicting how long tasks take. I have trouble not planning too much in one day.
I'm learning how to use Planning as My Life Strategy, but it doesn't come naturally.
Very awkward still.

Planning as a Life Strategy

Setting up for the week on Sunday night is a challenge for me. I would prefer to squeeze every bit of weekend rest that I can out of Sunday night, but the truth is if I don't give a bit of thought space on Sunday to the coming week, Monday morning runs me over.

Other people, The Born Organized, never even consider NOT thinking about Monday on Sunday. I guess I'd rather live in La La land for another hour or so in hopes of ... in hopes of ...what ? Another hour or so of weekend.

I guess I am one of those people for whom Time is a bit amorphous. I have trouble predicting how long tasks take. I have trouble not planning too much in one day.
I'm learning how to use Planning as My Life Strategy, but it doesn't come naturally.
Very awkward still.