Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Fascinating World of Laundry, Dishes and Diapers.

Ok, Juliebelle. I'll restart this thing. What I was trying to write about on my last post was that famous verse from the Bible, " I can do anything for fifteen minutes through Christ who strengthens me. " This has become my mantra in the midst of piles of laundry that need their own zoning laws, dishes multiplying faster than rabbits, and, of course, a constant supply of dirty diapers. If A isn't making one, Maple the Dog takes over in the back yard. I am just on poop detail and that is that. Thank goodness I have that verse to meditate on.

It is rare that I find a website of information that I recommend, but I have come across one that has made an actual difference in my day to day life. No, it is not The Bible Rewritten By Deranged Mothers.com . It is www.flylady.net . Have you heard of the Fly Lady ? She is Marla Cilley from Brevard, North Carolina who has set up a website of organizing your household for people ( like myself ) who are not born organized. If you are one of the organizationally anointed people ( cough, Ang ), this information does not apply to you and would be like reading the instruction manual on, say, breathing. But, if you are a creative contemplative ( aka artistic weirdo ) like me and are peering over the laundry to see the computer screen*, then the information is insight into the secret club of the Organized. ( So that's how organized people do it ! They think ahead. Must try this sometime ... ) . I have read several books on organization before ... they all have helped to some degree, but Fly Lady lays it out in a way that really clicks for me. And I love that her goal is not for people to have perfectly clean houses, but for their homes and families to run smoothly so they can do more of what they love.

If you happen to look at the website and are thinking about signing up for her mailings, please think twice, because all the information ( and there is a LOT ) is on the website. If you sign up for mailings, they send you LOTS of emails each day, which I found very distracting. I can barely read my other email, not to mention all the Fly Mail. I unsubscribed to the mailings and just enjoy reading the site and listening to her World Talk Radio Program ( also archived on her site ). Still addicted to Talk Radio after all these years.
*( since I started reading Fly Lady, I now have my laundry down to a very easy system and it no longer stresses me out or blocks my view of anything. This is truly remarkable. )
Thinking ahead thought : deep sleep.


julie strasser said...

i'm SO glad you're back. since we have had our house up for sale, we've had to keep it picked up and clean..a new venture to say the least. i am actually finding that i LOVE IT! it's nice to wake up to a clean kitchen, come home to a clean house and not be terrified if people happen to stop over...then be even doubly terrified if they need to use the bathroom!! SO, i don't know if i'll keep it up, but i'd sure like to. it's so much easier than a once a month overhaul!!

Janet Pressley-Barr said...

I love a clean house too, but hate the housework. No one tells you in advance that keeping house is a job for an organizational mastermind. I'm comforted by the fact that it is a completely separate thing from mothering. J.

miz fuhrell said...

yay...I was beginning to think you'd bailed on us...

I will go on record and say that I am at my most organizationally challenged right now...and STILL not unpacked! gasp! horror! I have chosen instead to aim for being rested rather than all unpacked. But another week and we should be all set. ahh, then I can breathe.

Janet Pressley-Barr said...

Rested really is better than upacked. Always.

julie strasser said...


Jeni said...

another great resource is motivatedmoms.com I've used their "planner" for the last 2 years...not consistently, but it's helped immensely when I do use it. :)