Thursday, April 27, 2006

My youngest child is a KGB agent.

I am finally putting the pieces together. It is beginning to make sense.

My youngest is actually a foreign agent trained in thought control, mind torture and manipulation. Nevermind he is 2 and 1/2 feet tall, sucks his thumb and carries a red blanket with him everywhere. That is just his cover.

If something is up, he wants it down. If it is open, he wants it shut. If it is Mom, he wants Dad. If it is Dad, he wants Mom.

I am not sure what he wants with us. Do we unknowingly hold information critical to his government's takeover ? What could possibly be behind the crying and whining and dissolving into tears every few minutes ? We are holding on by our teeth trying to wait him out. BUT HE IS STRONGER.

Meanwhile, he has D and I writhing in agony and begging for mercy several times a day. But mercy does not come. None. Relief only comes when he turns on his amazing full facial smile ... then the world is set right again and he probably makes a call to Headquarters from his wooden block phone to tell them : " Mission accomplished. Parents are worn down to a nub,". Is this something I report to the FBI ?

1 comment:

miz fuhrell said...

I suggest you notify Agent Snelling ASAP...