Saturday, April 15, 2006

Via Crucis 2006

Click here for slide show of Via Crucis 2006 ( thanks Greg Brekke )

It was a thing of beauty. I am sorry if you missed it
but it will be back in 2 years.
Via Crucis was an experiential Stations of the Cross that Vineyard Central put together in collaboration with several other area churches and artists. Each station was beautifully put together and each offered a way to put yourself onto the road to the cross.
( The above piece was done by artist and musician Jesse Mooney ) .
It was cathartic to write my confessions anonymously on a wall. I knelt on the rocky road to pray where Jesus had walked and fell ... the words about how God uses failure and falling in our lives spoke to me. I stumbled down the dark rocky road to the cross, losing my footing into the thorns more than once. I sat, hushed, in the tomb and watched the sheets covering his body begin to lightly rise and fall ... new breath entering his body. I forgot to give up Lent for Lent this year, but visiting Via Crucis was by far my favorite way to celebrate the resurrection.

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